kunjungi blog keduaku, Heart contents II

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Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

If you’ve been reading my recaps, you know I’m a fan of Huntington, WV, disc jockey Rod Willis, the man whom Jamie Oliver describes as “the biggest enemy of the food revolution.” That’s because, based solely on what I’ve seen of Rod on this TV series, he’s a scrappy old-fashioned DJ who plays country music and is suspicious of some big-city TV star and his network-television cameras coming in to get ratings off the local population. This is just good common sense; TV news and reality shows routinely exploit and sometimes ridicule the “civilians” to whom they purport to be “giving a voice.” And so when Oliver was in his second month in Huntington and not much seemed to have been revolutionized, Rod took Jamie up on his bet that the chef couldn’t get 1,000 cooking healthy food within five days. After all, Rod rationalized, “I can’t get a thousand people to listen to [my] show.” This is a man who’s honest even about his own ratings — a true rarity in any broadcasting field.

But as this week’s Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution showed, Rod’s initial skepticism was no match for the Oliver charm offensive. Jamie said he was out to win over “that crusty little git.”

This week was a different format for the series. Instead of showing Oliver teaching the townsfolk about nutrition, it became a competition and stunt show. To drum up some of his thousand people, Oliver went to Marshall University and organized a flash mob scene of students cooking stir fry to music. It was cute. I liked it more when he gathered a group of steel-workers (or as the Brit called them, “steel-benders”) and recruited them to cook, donning an American-flag hard-hat to show his devotion.

The turning-point for Rod seemed to be the visit he and Jamie took to the local mortuary, where the owners showed them the massive-sized caskets in which the severely obese deceased must be buried.

Again, I loved Rod’s first reaction: Can’t these people be cremated? Hey, it may not have seemed in the best of taste, but it’s what my first thought probably would have been.

In the end, would there be any doubt that Jamie would reach his goal of 1,000 cooking, and that Rod would come around to supporting the revolution? But that didn’t make the hour any less intriguing, and, yes, entertaining — obesity, crusty little gits, and all.

Are you still watching Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution? What did you think of the flash-mob stir-friers? And what did you think of Rod’s conversion?

source: http://watching-tv.ew.com/2010/04/09/jamie-oliver-rod-willis/

direct tv

This is the era of satellite system and by using satellite system we can easily use some technologies such as television. I try to find a television provider that serves the viewer with satellite system.
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I can watch more than 300 different channels from DIRECTV and it covers sport, movie, news, and entertainment channels. Moreover, I also need to know the different between DIRECT TV and Cable TV. In short, I need the best reason why I have to choose DIRECT TV and I think I got all the reason and I think they know what I really need.

Get Your Delicious Foods

People need to eat so they can get the power to do their routines. You can cook your own food or buy it in the restaurants. If you like to cook your own foods, make sure that you have the best tools to cook the foods. There are a lot of place which sells the kitchen appliances and you can choose one of them so you will get the best kitchen appliances.

Find the right place to get the kitchen appliances is so easy if you open Shopwiki.com. This is the website for online shopping guide. From the website you will get a lot of kitchen appliances with several brands and you will know the right place to buy it. There are a lot of kitchen appliances include the oven, ranges, and many more. If you want to buy a mixer, you will get hand and stand mixer buying guide. Need the food processors? Just open the website and you will get it easily. You can choose the kitchen appliances based on your budget and the brands.

Make your foods can be so easy if you have the best kitchen appliances. You can bake the potatoes, make a glass of fresh juice, and make a delicious steak with your new kitchen appliances. So now, all you have to do just open the website and you will get what you need to make the delicious foods.

Solusi macet nih!

lagi-lagi dari kaskus..

Kaskus emang T.O.P!!

Inilah solusi mujarab untuk mengusir kemacetan di kota-kota besar, seperti Jakarta atau Surabaya. Sebuah perusahaan teknologi di Woburn, Massachusetts, Amerika Serikat, tahun ini bakal memproduksi mobil terbang secara massal.
Continue reading

Anjing pintar

habis buka2 kaskus…
Nemu artikel kyk gini:

Baru-baru ini,seekora anjing dari Pingtong, Taiwan yang bernama Hallo menjadi top di internet, dipuji-puji sebagai“anjing paling cerdas di muka bumi”. Ternyata,ia bisa ke supermarket untuk membeli hotdog, bisa membantu penjual pinang membuka lemari es mengambil barang dan memberikannya pada tamu, bahkan juga bisa berdiri dengan ke empat kakinya di atas gelas kaca.
Menurut laporan China Post Taiwan,pemilik anjing ini mengelola toko pinang,banyak pembeli yang menunjuk anjing ini untuk membeli pinang, melihatnya membuka pintu lemari es, menggigit bungkusan pinang dan ketangkasannya meletakkan bungkusan pinang di atas meja, sehingga para tamu dibuatnya senang oleh tingkah lakunya.

Dulu, anjing ini bisa mengantar pinang, melewati jalan sambil menggigit kantong berisi buah pinang, kemudian pembeli menaruh uang ke dalam kantong. Suatu ketika, hampir saja ia ditabrak sepeda motor, karena pemilikknya merasa terlalu bahaya, maka baru menghentikan tugas si anjing mengantar pinang.

Anjing bernama “Hallo” ini menggigit kantong plastik berisi uang,pergi ke supermarket sebelah membeli barang. Menurut pelayan supemarket, bahwa melihat uang dikantongnya , ia sudah tahu apa yang mau dibelinya, uang koin senilai 10 dollar Taiwan untuk membeli peppermint, 22 dollar uang koin untuk membeli Hotdog. Jika sang pemilik hendak membeli daging kalengan, maka pemiliknya akan melampirkan sehelai catatan di dalam kantong dengan keterangan rasa daging sapi, sebab“Hallo” tidak suka makan daging kalengan rasa ayam.

Petugas supermarket menuturkan, “Hallo”adalah anjing pelanggan yang baik, bahkan bisa ikut antri saat lagi ramai, dan ketika tiba gilirannya,ia meletakkan kaki depannya ke atas meja kasir, menunggu petugas menghitung uang pembayaran baru kemudian memasukkan barang-barang belanjaan ke dalam kantong ; terkadang ia akan mondar mandir di supermarket yang ber-AC karena ingin merasakan sejuknya tiupan Air Conditioner, sang pemilik juga berpesan padanya untuk “segera kembali, jangan bersejuk-sejukan dengan AC”.

Rekan-rekan chating mempublikasikan film “Hallo” yang tengah membeli hotdog atau menjual pinang di internet, rekan-rekan chating yang menyaksikannya pun seketika tertawa terbahak-bahak dan langsung bilang “Keren”. (Sumber Secret China)*